Species - Kitsune

Created: 3 June 2022, 21:55:28 UTC
Last updated: 21 March 2023, 06:15:20 UTC



Transformation & Mystery


Kitsunes are illusionists at heart, being a species that is able to channel an elusive form of magic for their trickery. They are mysterious yet magically innovative entities, excelling supremely at adaptation. Those within the species are well known for their shapeshifting capabilities, able to harness the power of illusions for themselves and create a multitude of form shifts for themselves. Kitsunes may also use the power of illusions directly against others, taking shape as enigmatic hypnotists. While it may be hard to pick apart a kitsune's intention under their mysterious guises, they are still undoubtedly an important part of Lumen society due to their prowess in adaptive arcana.


  • Vulpine appearance
  • Can have up to nine tails
  • Tail amount can be set or can fluctuate at will
  • Long, silky fur
  • Small wisps radiating off/around the body in any color
  • Limbs can be replaced with a wispy consistency
  • Fur can have a wispy consistency
  • Glowing eyes
  • Glowing marking
  • Small and lithe in stature


Kitsunes will always carry a distincty vulpine appearace when it comes to their body shape, though they may carry a wide variety of fur markings. Their fur, usually soft and silken to the touch, can at times be lined with strange, orante, almost runic markings which typically carry a faint glow to them. A kitsune's most notable trait, however, is without a doubt their tails. A kitsune may have anywhere from one to nine tails, higher tail amounts usually denoting more experience. Tail amount may also fluctuate at will, as each extra tail a kitsune has is able to be hidden or summoned at any time. Kitsunes are also able to passively harness small wisps of flame and may have them trail around their bodies. Said wisps may also in some cases merge with a kitsune's body itself, allowing for fur or replaced limbs made of the same wispy consistency. These wisps, while appearing like flames, are not hot to the touch- they are mere manifestations of a kitsune's illusory magic.


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