
Strong (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has an affinity for physical strength. They will excel at physical challenges that involve strength such as lifting, climbing, fighting. etc.

Enduring (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a strength in endurance. They will excel at activities that involve endurance such as swimming, climbing, traveling long distances, etc.  They are also bulkier and more defensive than most.

Intuitive (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that designates a character as having good intuition, meaning they will excel at intellectual challenges that involve problem-solving and improvising. They may be more tuned in to the unspoken feelings of others or may notice things around them others might not.

Educated (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a well-educated background, meaning they may be more privy to understanding/recalling contextual information than others. Besides this. they are naturally book-smart, but they aren't generally more likely to pick up on the subtle feelings or happenings around them.

Nimble (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character is very nimble. They will excel in challenges that involve speed and agility, such as dodging/clearing obstacles and outrunning others.

Charismatic (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a strength in charisma. They excel in the art of conversation and debate, convincing others and bringing them to their side with greater ease.

Lucky (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a bit more luck than most. This luck may present itself in a variety of beneficial ways...

Sly (Strength)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character is generally sly and stealthy. They excel at the art of deception both in sneaking around physically and in conversation.

Flimsy (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a weakness in physical strength. They will struggle more than most with physically-oriented challenges such as fighting.

Frail (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a weakness in endurance. They will have a weaker defense and struggle with activities like walking long distances.

Oblivious (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a weakness in intuition. They may be unaware of the feelings or subtle actions of those around them,  and may struggle to connect the dots intellectually.

Uninformed (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a lack of previous education. Clearly, they never found their calling as a bookworm, as uninformed characters tend to be unaware of the deeper history or context of the world around them.

Blundering (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a lack of agility and speed. They tend to be slow and clumsy and will struggle with challenges such as high-speed chases or clearing obstacles.

Unpersuasive (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character has a weakness in charisma. They may struggle conversationally, and will have to work a little bit harder to persuade or befriend others.

Malfortuned (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character struggles with bad luck. Unfortunately, this misfortune may come back to bite them from time to time...

Overt (Weakness)

Category: Character

A trait that means a character struggles with the art of subtlety. Such characters tend to struggle to blend in with the crowd or sneak around, and likely aren't very good at lying.

16 results found.